Spot Christmas Competition

Sorry, registration closed!


Calling all puzzle & escape room fans! December's jingle bells are just around the corner and even though it's been a strange year, we didn't want to let it pass by without bringing the Spot community closer together.

You are cordially invited to join us for our last community event of the year: the 2020 Spot Christmas Competition!

The Spot Christmas Competition is played in teams of 5 people and lasts for 75 minutes. Every participant plays from their workspace or home, while working together with your team to complete a large amount of challenges and get as many points as possible. It’s vital that all participants stay connected to each other during the whole game, as they will need each other’s help to solve the challenges.

While it’s possible to play the game with just one team, we're hoping for a big turn out to add an element of competition. ;-)

Each participant will receive an email with multiple question cards, puzzle pieces and attributes. That way each participant has part of the answer for each of the challenges in their inbox. Good communication and collaboration are key to solve the challenges. Participants log on to our website with a unique code. As soon as all team members have logged on, the clock starts ticking and the first challenge will appear on the screen. Further instructions will follow through the interactive website. Good luck!

5 reacties

Hello everyone! I noticed that not everyone who signed up for the Spot Christmas Competition on this page, has signed up via the Google Form. Please note that today is the last day to register your team. Some additional information: as a team, you can choose to play the English version or the Dutch version of the game. So far 12 teams from 6 different companies signed up for the challenge.
Hi Ziwei, thank you! I hereby confirm that your team has registered. On the 15th or 16th of December each team member will receive an email with pieces of the puzzle(s). Good luck!
Hello everyone, only one more day to go until we kick off our Spot Christmas Competition! Those who signed up for tomorrow's game should all have received an email by now with pieces of the puzzle. If you didn't receive anything yet, please let me know here and I'll contact the company to see what happened.
Oops! I meant: Only A FEW HOURS to go until we kick off our Spot Christmas Competition! ;-) The best of luck to everyone who's joining this afternoon!
En hoe was het... kon er niet bij zijn... (Sorry, registration closed!)