Quantum Computing - Get Started * Online Event

Our 10th edition will be the 1st Online Schiphol Developer Meetup as we also adapt to the current circumstances. You will get an introduction in to Quantum Computing and how you can start yourself.
Register here: https://www.meetup.com/schiphol-developers/events/271327685/
19:00 Intro
19:05 “Quantum computing - start your journey now” by Armand Stekelenburg (IBM)
20:30 End

"Quantum computing - start your journey now"
In today's session Armand Stekelenburg will introduce you to the world of quantum computing. Armand will explain what makes quantum computing different from classical/digital computing and he will show some of the potential application areas. He will provide an overview of the hardware/software stack for quantum computing. Starting with the hardware systems and the simulator that are available to you, Armand will demonstrate how to program a quantum computer on the circuit level using simple drag and drop of quantum gates. This will immediately show the basic differences between classical digital computing and quantum computing.
Next, Armand will demonstrate programming quantum computers on abstraction levels higher than the circuit level by moving to algorithms and application domains, like AI, chemistry and optimization. This is done with qiskit, the software development kit for quantum computing, which works with Python notebooks.

You are invited to do yourself what Armand is demonstrating in this session. If you have never logged in to the IBM Quantum Experience before, please follow the link to create an ID, if needed, and log in.

About the speaker: As an IBM Quantum Ambassador, Armand helps organisations to get ready for Quantum Computing. With a strong background in physics and experience in projects Armand combines theory and practice in comprehensive sessions. Armand is a regular speaker at events, conferences, and for organisations. Furthermore, he provides training in quantum computing for companies and as a guest lecturer at universities and colleges.

The online link will be shared before the event when you have RSVP-ed.

This meetup wouldn't be possible without our sponsors KLMand IBM for which many thanks.

• p.s. If you are interested in mentoring, giving a talk, sponsoring or hosting an event let us know
• p.p.s. Do you know someone who might be interested in joining the events?
Please share our group with them: https://www.meetup.com/schiphol-developers/

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