Accepting nominations for “In the Spotlight” interviews!

Who deserves a moment in the Spotlight? During my internship I will be interviewing community members to discover the faces behind the community. I will try to find out what makes Schiphol such an inspiring place to work and what motivates our community members. Are you, or do you know someone who has an interesting/funny/heart-warming story to tell and who deserves a moment of shine? We’re accepting nominations from you and your colleagues! Please leave a comment or send me an e-mail at

Berend Koudijs

Community Employee
Schiphol Real Estate
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6 reacties

Hi Desy, bedankt voor je nominatie! Aan zijn profiel te zien is hij een vliegende ondernemer
Ik nomineer de altijd vrolijke Pearl Bouterse(NOG geen profiel:)) van Exotique; de beste Surinaamse broodjes zaak in de wijde omgeving. Wat gezien de lange rijen tijdens de lunch door vele hier onderschreven zal worden.