Live workshop: the life changing magic of tidying up

Spring is in the air! Though spring cleaning is often most associated with scrubbing and dusting the house, many also use the time to declutter their homes of items they no longer use. Miriam Bakker is a certified Marie Kondo Consultant, expert in simplifying busy households by decluttering, creating space in house and mind. In this live workshop, she will help you clear away clutter so you can live the life you want.

In 2019, Japanese organization consultant Marie Kondo took the Internet by storm! The Marie Kondo Method, or the KonMari Method, was created by Japanese organizing expert Marie Kondo. She began her tidying business as a 19-year-old university student and is now a New York Times #1 best selling author and the star of the Netflix show Tidying Up With Marie Kondo. Her unique method of tidying and organizing the home has gained popularity in tens of thousands of homes across the globe.

On April 21, the Spot Schiphol Community organizes the live workshop "The life changing magic of tidying up". Miriam Bakker is a certified Marie Kondo Consultant, expert in simplifying busy households by decluttering, creating space in house and mind. In this 1,5 hour workshop, she will help you clear away clutter so you can live the life you want.

This is a free event powered by the Spot Schiphol Community. Please note that there are 30 spots available for this workshop.

Register in two steps:
- Sign up by hitting the attend button
- Fill out the registration form:


Good morning everyone! Thank you for signing up for the workshop “The life changing magic of tidying up”. We’re happy to announce that we’ve found the perfect location for this event. SPACES Schiphol has been so kind to open their doors to us and to offer us their beautiful event space, on the top floor of the Microsoft building (Evert van de Beekstraat 354). Drinks and snacks will be provided by Spot Schiphol. Talking about SPACES, there are still some spaces left for the event. Feel free to spread the word and bring your colleagues. Finally, I noticed that not everyone has signed up using our Microsoft Form. Though it’s not a must, your answers will help Miriam come up with relevant cases and answers she will share during the workshop. I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday! Annick
Wat jammer dat het niet ook digitaal te volgen is. Omdat ik niet naar de luchthaven kan komen moet ik dit nu missen. Groet Desirée
Excuus dat ik er niet ben. Het event stond verkeerd in mijn agenda, ik heb aanvangstijd 18.30 staan. Het is helaas al begonnen dus het heeft geen zin meer om er naartoe te gaan. Jammer dat ik deze mis ben gelopen door m’n eigen fout. Met vriendelijke groet, Christel
Hi Annick, helaas.. dat ga ik niet redden. Maar ik zie net dat ik hem online kan volgen dus ik ga snel inloggen!