Online course: introduction to Dutch

For expats and other non-Dutchies who wish to master the basics of Dutch, Spot and Taalcentrum-VU have put together a 2-hour online introduction course.

This introduction course is intended for beginners. During the course, you will learn the following:

- Communicating in everyday situations such as greetings and introducing yourself
- Cultural differences (courtesies and indirect communication)
- Tips and tricks for Dutch pronunciation and sentence melody

1 comment

Hi everyone, I hope you’re doing well. I’m writing because we’re currently working on a video about what 2020 meant for the Spot Schiphol Community. In the video, we’d like to include short quotes from our members about the online events we’ve organized this year. Because you’ve participated in the Dutch language course I was wondering if you would be interested to help me out? If so, please send me a DM or email at – THANK YOU! Have a great day!