What does your office look like?

Werk je in een kantoortuin met hangplanten, sta bureaus en flexplekken? Of hebben jij en je collega's een vast bureau met naambordjes? Wij zijn benieuwd hoe jouw werkplek eruit ziet. Beschrijf je werkplek in de reacties hieronder, of beter nog, maak een foto van je bureau of kantoorruimte (denk hierbij wel aan de privacy van je collega's ;-)).

Does your office have flexible work areas with plants, standing desks, and post-its on the windows? Or do you have your own cubicle? We are curious to find out what your workplace looks like! Describe your workplace in the comments, or even better, share a picture (while keeping the privacy of your co-workers into account... of course ;-))!

Berend Koudijs

Community Employee
Schiphol Real Estate
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Microsoft is OPEN. This means anyone can walk into our office to work without having an appointment. So come and see for yourself and grab a coffee or lunch or invite your colleagues to play a game at our Xbox Room
At KLM we have flexible desks...this means that when you show up in the morning you just have to hope to find a comfortable place to sit. And sometimes it's a fight! I am so looking forward to the Blue Base!!! :)
I work at Spaces Schiphol. I am super proud of our workplace! The open en wide view together with our design is unique and makes everyone amazed.