Socialclub WTC Schiphol OverviewEvents (8)News (3)Discussions (2)Members (206) Join this group Upcoming events (0) There are no events in Socialclub WTC Schiphol, be the first. Past events (8) Cocktail Workshop by Sheraton Gatherings 12 September Melis and 2 others go Ice Cream Tasting by Sheraton 21 August Rebeka goes, are you there? Gin Workshop at the Sheraton Hotel 25 July Rebeka goes, are you there? WTC Only | Christmas Drinks 8 December Cophia and 37 others go WTC only | Pub Quiz 13 October Ilona and 9 others go WTC only | Back to Work BBQ 8 September Eric and 48 others go Haring party 21 June Evelien and 6 others go WTC Exclusive: Bob Ross painting workshop 1 July Reva and 20 others go