Workshop: Chinees voor beginners (VOL)

Zoom link:


IMPORTANT: Please note that the workshop is now fully booked and we will not be able to accept any new applications. All selected participants will receive an email confirmation containing more details before Wednesday 11 November.


Note: This class can be taught in English or in Dutch. This depends largely on the number of non-Dutchies enrolling in the course. If you prefer to follow this class in English, please leave a comment below so we can inform the teacher in time.


A fun, practical introduction to the Chinese language (Mandarin). At the end of the session you will understand how the language works and you will have answers to questions such as 'how do you type characters?', 'Can you also make puns in Chinese?' and "if I only had to memorize one word of Chinese to impress people, what word would it be?"

P.S. Can you distinguish the Chinese language from the other languages in the image used for this event? If so, let us know in the comments.


Een leuke, praktische introductie van de Chinese taal (Mandarijn). Aan het eind van de sessie snap je hoe de taal nu eigenlijk werkt en heb je antwoord op vragen als 'hoe typ je karakters?', 'kun je in het Chinees ook woordspelingen maken?' en 'als ik maar één woord Chinees hoef te onthouden om indruk op mensen te maken, welk woord zou dat dan zijn?'

P.S. Kun jij de Chinese taal onderscheiden van de andere talen in de afbeelding bij dit evenement? Zo ja, laat het weten in de comments.


Blue middle one is Chinese, the other 2? Korean & Japanese maybe?
I'm not sure if I'm over the 20 maximum participants. Also if possible please make this webinar in english.
Language image quiz: top red is Korean, blue middle - Chinese, bottom pink - Japanese. There seem to be 50+ people registered, any chance to do a follow-up in English for those like me who are way to late signing in? :) Pretty please?
Good afternoon everyone! Due to the very large number of applications received, we've decided to split the group into two and to offer an extra course. If you're reading this message that means you're signed up for the original workshop on Thursday 26 November and nothing changes for you. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you during the workshop! Have a great day! Cheers, Annick
Good morning everyone! Today is the day: our Chinese class will start at 4PM. Please find the link here: If you have time today, please try to log in in advance. Like this, I can help you if you encounter any problems. I look forward to seeing everyone in class this afternoon! Annick
When you may not install ZOOM... use CHROME as webbrowser with "extensions": Id = 82526369582 password = dVZYZXdTWkdhWjJKSXY3Q2J1ckRLUT09 Than you can use ZOOM without install..
Is het al begonnen? "Please wait, the meeting host will let you in soon."
Beste deelnemers, leuk dat jullie donderdag hebben meegedaan aan de online workshop 'Chinees voor beginners'. Ik heb de slides inmiddels ontvangen van Danny, maar heb geen deelnemerslijst bijgehouden donderdag. Zou je mij een mailtje willen sturen als je geïnteresseerd bent in de slides? Dit kan op: - 拜拜 (bye bye)